🇱🇧 XeroLinux: The Arch Linux-based Distro with Stunning Looks 🎉

🇱🇧  XeroLinux: The Arch Linux-based Distro with Stunning Looks 🎉

XeroLinux is an Arch Linux-based distribution that is loaded with goodies and brings a customized KDE Plasma theme with the goodness of Arch Linux.🚀🚀🚀

This distribution is mainly for those who like eye-candy desktops with the latest packages+KDE Plasma but do not want to re-configure the Plasma desktop. XeroLinux primarily uses a pre-configured Latte dock with Kvantum to give the desktop a distinct look👀.

Check it out!!! 😊📯🇱🇧

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with XeroLinux in any way. 😉

For screenshots, please see our original post below.

Source: Our Own Original Post


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