Austrumi Linux: A Hidden Gem from Latvia


Austrumi Linux

Austrumi Linux: A Hidden Gem from Latvia

Welcome to another insightful post from The Distrowrite Project. Today, we delve into the world of Austrumi Linux, a unique and innovative distribution that has been making silent waves in the Linux community. 


Austrumi Linux, also known as Austrum Latvijas Linukss, is a bootable live CD Linux distribution that has been turning heads with its unique features and capabilities. It's a lesser-known distribution, but it's been gaining traction for its innovative approach to providing a computing platform1.

Base and Origin

Austrumi Linux is based on Slackware, one of the oldest and most reliable families of Linux1 2. It was created and is actively maintained by a group from the Latgale region of Latvia1 3. This makes it a unique contribution from a region not typically associated with major Linux distributions.

History and Team

The history of Austrumi Linux is a testament to the dedication and innovation of its development team. Despite being less known beyond Europe, it has managed to carve out a niche for itself in the Linux world2. The team behind Austrumi Linux is a small group of Latvian developers who have brought an interesting approach to the Linux operating system2.

Unique Features

One of the standout features of Austrumi Linux is its ability to run entirely from RAM1 2. This makes it faster than larger distributions that must read from a disk1 2. It also allows the boot medium to be removed after the operating system has booted1 2. This feature is not common in most Linux distributions, making Austrumi Linux a unique player in the field4.

Installation Tips and System Requirements

Austrumi Linux requires limited system resources and can run on any Intel-compatible system with a CD-ROM installed1 5. It's recommended for systems with an Intel-compatible Pentium 2 processor or later and at least 512 MB of RAM4. For installation, you can burn the ISO file to a CD-ROM or USB drive, then choose to run Austrumi Linux by first loading it into the host computer’s memory6. This allows you to remove the CD or USB storage after booting the computer6.

Troubleshooting Tips

While Austrumi Linux is generally stable and reliable, like any operating system, it may occasionally run into issues. Unfortunately, specific troubleshooting guides for Austrumi Linux are not readily available. However, given its base on Slackware Linux, general Linux troubleshooting guides and forums can be helpful resources when encountering issues.

Comparison to Slackware GNU Linux

While Austrumi Linux is based on Slackware, it distinguishes itself with its unique features. Unlike Slackware, which is installed on the hard drive, Austrumi Linux is a live CD distribution that runs entirely from RAM1 2. This gives it a speed advantage over Slackware and other distributions that read from a disk1 2.


In conclusion, Austrumi Linux is a unique and innovative Linux distribution that deserves more recognition. Its ability to run entirely from RAM sets it apart from many other distributions. While it may not be as well-known as some other distributions, its unique features and capabilities make it a compelling choice for those looking for a fast and functional Linux distribution.


This article is intended for informational purposes only. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, The Distrowrite Project does not take responsibility for any errors or omissions. Always remember to back up your data before making changes to your system.


(1) Austrumi Linux - Wikipedia.

(2) Austrumi Linux Is Loaded With Language Laziness | Review.

(3) Bing Search for Austrumi Linux.

(4) Austrumi Linux Has Great Potential if You Speak Its Language.


(6) Austrumi 3.2.2: a nice stranger - Linux notes from DarkDuck.


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