Quieux Linux: A Unique Brazilian Linux Distribution

Quieux Linux: A Unique Brazilian Linux Distribution

Quieux Linux: A Unique Brazilian Linux Distribution

Quieux Linux is a fascinating Brazilian Linux distribution that stands out due to its unique approach to package management. Initially, it wasn't intended to be a distribution at all. The creator, Ezequiel Carvalho, developed a package manager called QUEL to organise pre-compiled programs. This led to the creation of Quieux Linux, a BLFS (Beyond Linux From Scratch) distribution with QUEL pre-installed.

Origin and History

Quieux Linux originated from the need to manage pre-compiled programs efficiently. Ezequiel Carvalho, the developer, found it challenging to make his programs work seamlessly on different machines. To address this, he created QUEL, a package manager that simplifies the process of packaging and sharing programs. Eventually, Quieux Linux emerged as a primary distribution for QUEL, allowing community packages to be shared functionally.

Unique Features

Quieux Linux is built on the BLFS framework, which provides a high degree of customization and control. Here are some of its standout features:

- Package Management with QUEL: QUEL is a unique package manager developed specifically for Quieux Linux. It allows users to install, remove, and update packages with ease.

- Lightweight Desktop Environment: Quieux Linux uses LXDE as its desktop environment and Openbox as the window manager, making it lightweight and suitable for older hardware.

- Community-Driven: The distribution encourages community contributions, allowing users to share their packages and collaborate on development.

Installation Tips

Installing Quieux Linux is straightforward, especially with the provided ISO. Here are the steps to get started:

Minimum System Requirements

- Processor: 1 GHz or faster

- Memory: 1 GB of RAM

- Storage: 10 GB of available space

- Network: Internet connection (optional)

Creating a Bootable USB Drive

Using Rufus on Windows:

1. Download Rufus from the official website.

2. Connect the USB drive to your computer.

3. Open Rufus. It should automatically detect your USB drive.

4. In "Boot selection", click "Select" and choose the Quieux Linux ISO.

5. Leave the other options as default and click "Start".

6. Wait for the process to complete. A success message will appear when it's done.

Using the Terminal on Linux with the DD Command:

1. Connect the USB drive to your computer.

2. Identify the USB drive device with the command: `sudo fdisk -l`. It will be something like `/dev/sdX`.

3. Make sure the device is unmounted: `sudo umount /dev/sdX`.

4. Use the DD command to create the bootable USB drive: `sudo dd if=/path/to/quieux.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress`.

5. Wait for the process to complete. When it's done, the terminal will return to the prompt.

Initial Login:-


User : root

Password : root$$

Common user:

Password : linux$$

Installation Process

1. Download the Quieux Linux ISO and create a bootable USB drive following the instructions above.

2. Boot the computer from the USB drive.

3. In the live environment, open a terminal and run the Refracta Installer: `sudo refractainstaller`.

4. Follow the on-screen instructions:

   - Select the "Install to partition" option and choose the desired partition.

   - Configure the partition options as needed.

   - Follow the prompts to configure GRUB and other settings.

5. When the installation is complete, restart the computer and remove the USB drive.

6. Quieux Linux should boot from the hard drive.

Troubleshooting Tips

- Boot Issues: Ensure the USB drive is correctly created and the BIOS settings are configured to boot from USB.

- Installation Errors: Double-check partition settings and ensure there is enough disk space.

- Network Problems: Verify network settings and try reconnecting to the internet.

Comparison to Its Base

Quieux Linux is based on BLFS, which provides a highly customizable and flexible foundation. While BLFS requires users to build their system from scratch, Quieux Linux simplifies this process by providing a pre-configured environment with QUEL for easy package management. This makes Quieux Linux more accessible to users who want the benefits of BLFS without the complexity of building everything manually.


Quieux Linux is a unique and innovative distribution that offers a lightweight and customizable environment with a focus on efficient package management. Its origins and development highlight the importance of community-driven projects in the open-source world.

Disclaimer: This post is provided by The Distrowrite Project for educational purposes. The information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing.


(1) Quieux Linux - GitHub. https://github.com/quieux/.

(2) GitHub - quieux/quel: Instalador de pacotes para programas pré-compilados..

(3) quieux download | SourceForge.net

(4) BLFS Project Homepage

(5) Quieux Linux - Distro BR Para PCs Fraco !.


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